Wajah - wajah KL 2006

31 Desember 2008

Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Penjamah Terhadap Hygiene dan Sanitasi Makanan Dengan Kualitas Bakteriologis di Kantin Kampus Universitas ”X”

Sripsi, Desember 2008

Ahmad Fathoni, NPM. 060606 1713

Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Penjamah Terhadap Hygiene dan Sanitasi Makanan Dengan Kualitas Bakteriologis di Kantin Kampus Universitas "X" 2008

vii + 69 halaman, 7 tabel, 2 lampiran


Insufficient erudition and inappropriate behaviors of food handler while serving foods in the field of food service whether directly or not it also influence food quality which is served for consumer and it is also one of basic aspects of food quality that is being served. This research aims to find relation between erudition in hygiene and food sanitation of food handler, his behaviors and bacteriologic quality at University ”X” cafeteria 2008.

Research design that is used in this case is Cross Sectional Study with Chi Square test to find out the relation with confident interval 95%. Variables which are examined for its relationship each others are namely age, gender, work period, erudition, behavior, and training in food handling, hygiene and sanitation once at a time. The research is held in cafeteria at University X on October – November 2008.

The result of this research shows about 42.5% of food bacteriologic quality in University X cafeteria meet the requirements.
There are 83.6% Food handlers with voluminous age category. And those who have been working less than 5 years equal to 50.7%. Female ones reach the highest in the number, 52.1%. They who have never got training in hygiene and food sanitation count 71.2 % while food handler erudition and behavior in sequence are 43.8% and 34.2%. Statistic test results between food handlers’ characteristics, their erudition and training existence do not show any significant correlation. However, there is a significant correlation between food handler behavior and bacteriologic quality (p < 0.05) with odds ratio value 0.21. The result leads us to a conclusion: proper behavior of food handler is one of factors to keep the food meet the qualification for its biological quality. Food handlers who behave improperly have 5 times tendencies to produce foods with unqualified bacteriologic quality then those who have proper behavior.

Based on this research, it is suggested to hold overviews in food quality enhancement and food handler at University ”X” through a license system for every food seller. It is an activity related to hygiene and food sanitation according to decree of Indonesian Minister For Public Health Number 715/Menkes/SK/V/2003.

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